NutritionCraft Whipped Honey: Pure, Raw, and Unfiltered
At NutritionCraft, we believe in offering food as nature intended. Our Whipped Honey is a testament to that philosophy. Here’s why our honey is unlike anything you’ll find on store shelves:
Zero Antibiotics
While many beekeepers, even small-scale producers at farmers markets, treat their bees with antibiotics, which can end up in the honey, our honey contains no antibiotics. We prioritize purity and health in every jar.
No Additives
Shockingly, 46% of store-bought honey is diluted with additives like corn syrup, sugar water, or other syrups. Our honey is completely additive-free, so you get 100% raw, natural honey with every spoonful.
Sugar Water-Free
Many beekeepers feed their bees sugar water, especially in certain climates or times of the year. This leads to honey containing inflammatory processed sugars. We take pride in harvesting before any sugar water is introduced, ensuring our honey is as natural as possible.
Raw and Nutrient-Rich
Most commercial honey is heated at high temperatures to make bottling easier, but this process destroys vital nutrients and medicinal properties. Our honey is never heated above 40°C, preserving its full spectrum of natural benefits. In contrast, pasteurized honey, heated at 65°C and above, loses much of its nutritional value.
Unfiltered for Immune Support
Honey filtration removes impurities but also strips away key elements like pollen, which is proven to support the immune system and reduce allergies. Our honey is unfiltered, allowing you to enjoy all its naturally occurring health benefits.
Free from Chemicals and Sprays
Bees can travel up to 7 kilometers from their hive, and if they encounter crops sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers, those chemicals can contaminate the honey. Our bees thrive in hives surrounded by wild land, ensuring that no chemicals are present in our honey.
Whipped for Smooth Texture
Our Whipped Honey is crafted to stay smooth and spreadable, eliminating the crystallization you often see with other honey. Enjoy the perfect texture every time!
With our Whipped Honey, you’re choosing a product that’s raw, unfiltered, antibiotic-free, and free from chemicals. Add it to your pantry and experience honey as nature intended—pure, nutritious, and delicious.