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Passion, Community, Vitality

Ethically Sourced | Nutrient-Dense | Sustainably Crafted

Our Journey Began With a Shared Vision To Revolutionize The Way We Think About Food, Nutrition, And How It Supports Physical, Mental, and Emotional Healing.

Our roots lie in healing. Over years helping thousands of clients heal from with our LifeCraft Therapy system, a clear pattern emerged: emotional and mental health had a ceiling if the body’s nutrition was compromised. Well-being is a holistic approach, so once our clients found the key to freedom and clarity in their lives with LifeCraft Therapy, nutrition naturally followed. After all, when we love ourselves, we love our bodies and honor them in all ways.

It was, however, very difficult to find those foods that supported well-being from ethical, ancestrally-consistent sources. So we rolled up our sleeves and did it ourselves. NutritionCraft is the product of necessity to support your ever-blossoming vitality, while connecting and supporting communities and farmers. We humbly offer this passion-driven service to our community.

Our Team


Greg German

CEO & Founder

Rachel Murray

Where It All Began

Discover Lifecraft Therapy

Explore transformative therapy sessions designed to empower your journey towards mental wellness..

We Love Our Customers

We are very fortunate to have formed excellent partnerships with our Customers.

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